June 05, 2008

Does your Master read this blog?

Short answer yes and no. He does not read or want me to make an effort to shove what I write in his face when he is home. On the road stuck in a hotel room is when he will tend to read what I write. Now he will offer up ideas to write about all the time but in general he is not a big written word person and this is not a tool for me to suck up to him (aka constant posts of how awesome he is) or try to communicate my feelings or issues with him through my writings.

Does he take issue with sharing of my sexual/kinky past?

One word answer is absolutely no. My Mom thinks I have primarily fallen for him because she thinks my Master has a strong Eastern soul. (I will let her believe that. ;) )

I mention this because William is an avid preacher of living in reality. I was thirty-one when I met him and he knew I had been a practicing slave for a long time. He was forty-one and divorced. We just were not virgins that stumbled into each other and does not care or worry about what others were about.

In some ways my talking about my past was encouraged by him when we were just starting out. One of the big things many dominants have to overcome is worrying about doing or ordering things on their slave thinking because if we do not enjoy these things directly then that will damage the relationship. In fact this can factor into play which can be fatal, the if I do this they will leave me so often they want everything they do their slave thinks is great so ego can go to a very dangerous level.

I think my telling him about my experiences helped him overcome his fear of doing things or controlling me for being to tough/icky/controlling to me and comfortable that my words spoken, much like this blog, were in fact backed up by fact not just wishful thinking.

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