March 15, 2008

How out am I?

My bisexuality, yes I am out. But not by choice as I became the scandal of my high school when my girlfriend and I got caught in a very public way expressing our love for each other. I went to college where many from my school went so it followed me there and after that I could care less. I did shock the hell out of some people when after I broke up from my last Master I had a very public fling with an out lesbian doctor.

I am not out and proud in terms of being a slave. I have never seen the motivation or really what the big difference is in how William and I live compared to any other couple on the planet. Every couple lives in some dynamic and you do not see every other type of couple go out of their way explaining it to everyone they know. I have outed myself several times in the course of my job as a nurse in an ER to support or inform people that those bruises and injuries are obvious S&M ones.

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