March 19, 2008

No Limit Slave?

Well this actually has several meanings depending on the sanity and self esteem of the person stating it.

For sane and reasonably healthy people who claim to be no limit slaves it simply means the couple share the same limits and have had no issues in terms of the owner pushing or bringing up things over time. These people are rare because sane people with self esteem will be more directly honest with other people because they darn well know some things they would never ever do.

For sane, reasonably healthy but somewhat self esteemed challenged slaves the no limit slave means what the one written up above means but they have conveniently keep forgetting things brought up in the beginning of the relationship and other times where their owner wanted to do and talk about something and they reacted in a way their owner learned not to bring it up again.

For the sane but person who has little self esteem this is a term to make themselves feel better. It is one of those “cool” terms people in the life love to use. “I am a no limit slave” it really has just one meaning, “Look how much better I am compared to all you limit slaves”. Of course this is stupid and not actually true but since they have self esteem issues they have decided that they would get self esteem by how they see themselves as a slave in some irrational comparison to other slaves that they magically come out of ahead.

For the insane this has some truth to it. They probably have limits when you start listing some extreme things that people like me would bring up but at the same time some of these people are very well capable of doing some seriously sick stuff all in the terms of their other. You see plenty of real life examples of insane people doing very bad deeds for some person who has them under their spell.

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