March 15, 2008

My Experience?

What the heck is your experience to be such a know it all?

I have been owned three times in which almost most of the time spent in the relationships was as a slave 24/7 relationship. First relationship was with a Master/Mistress couple that lasted two and a half years. They are responsible for bringing me into this life and helping me come to grips with it and developing my mindset.

My second relationship was with a man who was twenty-seven years older then me and we were together for seven plus years. I only mention the year difference to have a place to reference if I sprout off about age difference that I can refer I have direct knowledge and in fact always dug much older people period.

My current relationship I have been with him for a year and a half. We have lived together and therefore 24/7 for nine months and are to be married in late August. ;)

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